What We Believe
Many of our beliefs mirror those of other Christian denominations, but because we place a strong emphasis on Jesus’ teachings we do differ in a few major areas. Essentially, our main distinction is that Jesus is central to understanding the Scriptures and that we must take His teachings seriously if we choose to follow Him. We place a heavy emphasis on Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount, and we believe Jesus actually intends for us to follow His teachings now – not just in heaven. The most well-known distinction is our belief that Jesus calls us to live at peace with all people and choose to respond to violence with love instead of more violence.
We are affiliated with LMC and affirm the 1995 Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective.
Most importantly, we believe that following Jesus is as much about action as it is about belief. We don’t believe we’re saved by the good things we do, but we do believe that real faith in Jesus will show itself in our lives as good works as we become like Him. Feel free to contact us if you have questions!